Fun Facts About Switzerland...
• Switzerland has 7,000 lakes.
• It’s very small: Switzerland is approximately 41,277 sq km, which is roughly the size of Kyushu.
• The Swiss capital is not Zurich, Geneva or Lucerne, but in fact Bern.
• 25% of its population is foreign.
• According to the WEF’s Social Progress Report, Switzerland is one of the countries with the highest quality of life.
• According to the World Health Organisation, it's the least obese European country, with only 17.5% of the population being obese.
• Switzerland is the most expensive country in the world to eat a Big Mac, with a price tag that is almost 2.5 times of what it costs in Japan.
• The Swiss population consumes 36 litres of wine, 56 litres of beer and 8 litres of spirits per person per year.
• There are four national languages: German (64%), French (20.4%), Italian (6.5%) and Romansh (just a little over 1%).
• Switzerland’s life expectancy is among the highest in the world (alongside Japan!).
• Less than 15% of the Alps are actually located within the Swiss borders.
• About 11 kilos of chocolate per person are eaten every year.